Instructions for Authors
The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics is accepting high quality, publishable research papers relevant for political science, political theory, international relations, European studies and security studies.
Manuscripts will be accepted on the understanding that their content is original. The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics does not consider submissions currently under review at other journals or those that duplicate or overlap significantly with materials that have been submitted to other publishers. Submissions must demonstrate excellence in conceptualization, exposition, methodology, and craftsmanship and must be written in the English language.
Each submission will be anonymously reviewed by two scholars active in the field. However, the editors remain responsible for final decisions on publication of manuscripts. Authors are asked to prepare the manuscript for blind peer-review by removing any self-identifying information and any acknowledgments. A separate title page will accompany the manuscript, containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, an e-mail address and telephone number, together with a biographical paragraph describing each author’s current affiliation, research interests, and recent publications, as well as any acknowledgments the author might wish to extend. Papers should not exceed 10.000 words and must respect the following format: font Times New Roman, size 12, margins top, bottom, left, right – 2.5cm, line spacing – 1.5. The first page of the paper will contain the title of the paper, the abstract (no longer than 250 words) and between 5-7 keywords (in italic). Quotes and references will be cited in-text e.g.:
E. Ostrom conducted an extensive number of field and laboratory experiments in order to study the “the working parts, the grammar, the alphabet of the phenotype of human social behavior as well as the underlying factors of rules, biophysical laws and community” (Ostrom: 2005, p. 9).
The question of how it is possible for individually rational choices to lead to collectively irrational results has been approached from many perspectives, e.g. n-person prisoner’s dilemma experiments (Ostrom: 2006), (Ostrom: 2007), (Goetze: 1994), public goods experiments (Marwell, Ames: 1980), (Alfano, Marwell: 1980), computer simulations (Axelrod: 1984), etc.
No endnotes will be used, only footnotes. Bibliographical references will be arranged in the alphabetical order of author names. They will adhere to the following structure:
1. Articles:
Ostrom, E. (2000), “Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(3), pp. 137-158;
2. Books:
Axelrod, R. (1984), The Evolution of Cooperation, Basic Books, New York;
3. Chapters in collective volumes:
Hammerstein, P., Selten, R. (1994), “Game Theory and Evolutionary Biology”, in R. Aumann and S. Hart (eds.), Handbook of Game Theory Vol.2, Elsevier, Amsterdam;
4. Conference articles:
Wintrobe, R. (2002), “Can Suicide Bombers be Rational?”, presented during the Meeting of the MacArthur Preferences Network, University of Pennsylvania, January 2002;
All tables and figures must have titles and be numbered consecutively (e.g. Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). For all tables and figures the authors must specify the source of the data immediately below the table/figure. Each table and figure must be arranged so as to fit into a single page without the requiring to be split between two pages.